Gabby Blauert
Communications Manager
For Immediate Release
Plans underway for fun and safe experiences for the major celestial event on April 8
Hamilton County businesses and city officials are busy preparing for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, by creating special events, educational opportunities and safety plans. The destination looks forward to welcoming visitors for the celestial spectacle that will create total darkness in the middle of the afternoon.
It has been 819 years since Hamilton County, Indiana, last had a total solar eclipse and the next total solar eclipse that can be seen from the contiguous United States will not be until Aug. 23, 2044.
Information on major viewing locations in the county:
- Carter Green (Carmel, Indiana): Carmel’s official eclipse viewing location is at Carter Green from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Attendees can enjoy a festival atmosphere featuring food and drink vendors, a variety of live music performers, educational information and live updates by eclipse experts. Multiple viewing screens will be provided to witness the eclipse experience. This is a free, public event.
- Conner Prairie (Fishers, Indiana): Conner Prairie’s eclipse festival will take place from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and include live performances from musical acts and dance companies and enlightened talks from renowned experts who will shed light on the science behind this mesmerizing event. Hoosier astronaut Mark Brown will take the main stage as one of the featured experts, sharing captivating stories about his time at NASA. Paid tickets are required for this event.
- Cool Creek Park (Carmel, Indiana): Guests can park on site and tailgate around their vehicles and/or stroll the grounds of Cool Creek Park for its eclipse event. From 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. there will be live entertainment on the pavilion stage, crafts and activities, food for purchase and a kids activity zone. Paid tickets are required for this event.
- Grand Park Sports Campus (Westfield, Indiana): Westfield will host solar eclipse festivities 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Attendees can enjoy food and drinks from food trucks, a concert with the 1985 Band, attractions and inflatables and will feature special guest Dr. Mark SubbaRao, director of NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Grand Universe will also have viewing telescopes on-site to educate attendees about the solar eclipse and its history. Paid tickets are required for this event.
- Ruoff Music Center (Noblesville, Indiana): Ruoff’s eclipse celebration includes live entertainment, food trucks, beer garden, and more. Paid tickets are required for this event.
- Strawtown Koteewi Park (Noblesville, Indiana): The Taylor Center of Natural History will host a Moon Market from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. in celebration of the total solar eclipse. Moon Market vendors will sell a variety of a celestial themed wares for purchase and the Taylor Center will provide eclipse themed crafts and educational opportunities. Paid tickets are required for this event.
“The City of Westfield is excited to host a viewing party at Grand Park Sports Campus,” said City of Westfield Director of Communications Kayla Arnold. “Given the park's vast space and unobstructed views, we anticipate a great viewing experience. The city will also have additional supporting events leading up to the eclipse in partnership with Grand Universe, including ways residents can pick up complimentary eclipse glasses necessary for safely viewing the sun.”
In addition to the major viewing locations listed above, Hamilton County offers numerous parks, restaurants and businesses that will host smaller events and festivals.
"Hamilton County, Indiana, is thrilled to be a premiere destination for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024," said Sarah Buckner, head of Hamilton County’s eclipse local organizing committee and assistant director of community engagement for Hamilton County Tourism. "We’ve been planning for this historic event for many months and are excited to celebrate it with a wide range of viewing options and amenities.”
As excitement builds for the total solar eclipse, Hamilton County invites all to join in the celebration and make plans for how they will experience it.
Additional information can be found at